It is the Hop Heads Christmas time once again.
First Thursday in August we turn over ALL 21 Taps to various Humulus lupulus (Hops) driven brews.
This year, we have our ‘Feature’ brewer in Fox Friday from Tassie. Fox Friday has done a series of collaboration IPA brews with Shapeshifter (Adelaide) / Rocky Ridge (WA) / Behemoth (NZ) plus, each brewery will also have another super fresh IPA hitting the taps.
We also have flown in some uber FRESH hop juice from afar. Representing the UK are: Cloudwater,
From POLAND we have a big double Hazy from Pinta Brewing in Wrocław. French brewers La Débauche hit our taps for the first time.
The Kiwi’s are represented by Garage Project & Behemoth.
Filling out the taps we have an uber selection of Australian brewers who constantly produce the hoppy goodness including Method’s outstanding 2nd birthday brews (Yada, Yada, Yada & Bigfoot Brown IPA)